Thursday, January 7, 2010


I didn't realize this account was still out there! Sorry for those of you who've wondered what happened in the last 2 years! I've moved to a new site: and you can check my blog out here - One day I'll figure out how to get my blogger profile to go to the right place!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Recent Sessions

Matt & Emily

Bernie, Julie, Christian, Julian, & Jonah.

Darren, Michele, & Emerson.

Heather, Steve, & Grace.

Ryan & Rachel.

An engagement session I assisted on with Heather.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Brooke and Emma at home.

Stay At Home Mom

I've been at home with my girls now for almost 1 week! It has been a week of playing, smiles, peanut butter sandwiches, uncoordinating nap schedules, and dishwashing! What does a stay-at-home mom do?

Monday, June 11, 2007

Brooke Robin Sroka

In one month, we will be adding a second child to our family. So, check back in late July for Brooke's first ever photos!

Emerson & Michele

My first teacher friend, Michele, asked me to take pictures of her beautiful daughter Emerson back in March. This was my first ever photo shoot and I'm really excited about how they turned out!


This is just a random shot I got of a girl on our church's high school ski retreat. I thought it looked nice.